Sponsor will receive:
- NEW Exclusive naming of poster hall at the conference titled “The ____ Poster Hall” or “Poster Hall sponsored by ____”
- An exclusive award with your company name titled “The ____ Research Award”
- Custom award ribbons with company logo on each awardee poster during poster session
- (2) Complimentary conference registration for company representatives
- A slide acknowledging the award, your sponsorship, the names of the recipients, and the title of the research project
- A verbal announcement of the award recipients and sponsorship at the conference
- A highlight of the award and sponsorship in an email to attendees
- Logo recognition in the program book, conference signage, and typed sponsor name in the conference agenda planner
Three awardees will receive:
- Award ribbons on poster during poster session
- Complimentary conference registration, complimentary APSARD membership for 2024, and a $1,000 honorarium*
- Acknowledgement of award in an email to conference attendees and verbal announcement at the conference
*The APSARD Program Committee will decide the recipient(s) of each Research Award.